our commitments

beyond us & them is committed to:

creating structures of belonging

We design and providing programming, training, and support for creating and sustaining opportunities for individuals to connect in authentic and meaningful ways to practice insight, cultivate relationality, and develop compassion for themselves and others, as well as for the environment in which they live and work

focusing on real world impact

We help transform systems through training law enforcement, community-based organizations, educators, and policymakers to work more skillfully with humanity, compassion, and resilience.

utilizing evidence-based methodology

We use evidence-based approaches validated by independent studies. Research has demonstrated that our programs lead to increases in communication skills, empathy, workplace connectedness, mindfulness, as well as reductions in social anxiety

championing reform

We commit to leading with vulnerability, candor and resolve as we call for transformational change of systems, policies and practices.

when you join beyond us & them, you join us in commiting to:

dissolving bias

Together, we commit to shining a light on any prejudice or bias we discover within us. Our intention is to meet this moment with clarity, curiosity and courage. We reflect on ourselves and our assumptions about others with honesty and candor.

listening from the heart

When we listen beyond our assumptions and judgments, we hear the stories that make us human, and we inevitably recognize the joy, pain, fear and love that mark our shared journey and demonstrate our commonality and interconnectedness. Transformative action depends upon learning to really listen to one another. We will cultivate our capacity to sit with discomfort and bear witness to one another’s triumphs, challenges and lived experiences.


We build resolve through our commitment to practices that foster greater self-awareness, insight and self-regulation. We recognize the value of integrating council, mindfulness and other compassion-based practices into all settings and structures in which individuals interact — and we will work to maintain a grounded, reflective and open-minded approach in our life and work. (Consider signing up for an upcoming Social Connection Council.)

taking compassionate action

Self-awareness, attentive listening and authentic expression build positive relationships. Real change cannot occur without meaningful connection and mutual understanding. We will remain grounded in authentic presence and take action in alignment with our values of compassion, wellbeing and justice for all.