Beyond Us & Them’s Peace Officer Wellness, Empathy & Resilience (POWER) Training for law enforcement officers has now been recognized and certified as an effective and valuable training protocol by California’s Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). In granting this statewide certification, POST will provide officers who participate with credit toward their annual requirement of training hours in the areas of “De-Escalation and Interpersonal Communication.” Participation in POWER will also satisfy the annual “perishable skills requirement” in the area of interpersonal communication.
This recognition by POST is a powerful affirmation of the importance and efficacy of innovative training programs like POWER. It will help establish this program as a critical tool supporting officer wellness, self-regulation, and performance.
Beyond Us & Them launched the POWER Training course with six cohorts of LAPD officers (150 officers), initially, funded by resources provided through the state’s Innovations Grant Program. Statewide POST certification will enable C4C to adapt and customize program delivery to meet the needs of a variety of other interested law enforcement and corrections agencies and to further expand this training program throughout California and beyond.
POWER includes 32-hours of in-person training, delivered over 12 weeks. In addition, the program provides 12 weekly online units that include self-directed activities, TedTalks, Podcasts, articles and journaling suggestions. Each week, small groups meet together in self-facilitated “council huddles” and address topics that mirror the 12 weeks of online assignments.
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