From What if, to What Next – Compassion

Jared Seide, Executive Director of Beyond Us & Them, and Dr Ann Seide, our chief medical advisor and council trainer, appeared on From What if To What Next Podcast with Rob Hopkins.

Hosted by writer and Transition Movement founder, Rob Hopkins, each episode invites cutting edge thinkers to visualise a new future. 

Jared and Ann joined Rob to speak about the importance and healing power of compassion and how to create spaces where compassion can flourish, asking the question: What if compassion can heal society?

The podcast is available to listen to here:

For more details about the From What if To What Next Podcast, visit Rob’s website or the apple podcast page

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Beyond Us and Them team

Beyond Us and Them team

Beyond Us and Them is the leading solution-focused organization providing dynamic and scalable practices to combat the loneliness epidemic and foster social connection.

It creates programs and delivers training for law enforcement officers, healthcare providers, educators, policymakers, and community-based organizations, among other populations and individuals, to cultivate wellness, relationality, compassion, and resilience. 
