A congruent life

Jared Seide, Executive Director of Beyond Us and Them appeared on A Congruent Life Podcast, in this episode, Jared shared stories from his personal journey with Council work, including:

  • how his background in dramatic arts and quest for storytelling led him to Hollywood, where he became disillusioned about the lack of authenticity,
  • how the aftermath of the LA riots allowed his daughter to discover her voice in a surprising way,
  • how the concepts of Council are old and comfortable across cultures and backgrounds, and simple in principle but deep in practice,
  • the ancient elements and simple intentions of holding Council,
  • the effects of Council work in Rwandan genocide healing and prison populations,
  • the impact that this work has had on his personal journey and perspectives on living authentically.

Visit the episode page here

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Beyond Us and Them team

Beyond Us and Them team

Beyond Us and Them is the leading solution-focused organization providing dynamic and scalable practices to combat the loneliness epidemic and foster social connection.

It creates programs and delivers training for law enforcement officers, healthcare providers, educators, policymakers, and community-based organizations, among other populations and individuals, to cultivate wellness, relationality, compassion, and resilience. 
