Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Grant

The Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA) Program funds are used to improve the delivery of and access to mental health and wellness services for law enforcement through the implementation of peer support, training, family resources, suicide prevention, and other promising practices for wellness programs.

funding for officer wellness programs

The LEMHWA Grant is available to fund projects that develop knowledge and increase awareness of effective mental health and wellness strategies, increase the skills and abilities of law enforcement, and increase the number of law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholders using peer support, training, family resources, suicide prevention, and other promising practices for wellness programs.

Any ​state, local, tribal, or territorial law enforcement agencies seeking to implement training for officer emotional and mental health, peer mentoring, suicide prevention, stress reduction, and support services for officers and their families should know about and apply for the LEMHWA grant.


​The POWER Training Program offered by Beyond Us & Them offers a dynamic and innovative wellness program that may be a good fit for agencies seeking to increase resources for officers in the area of physical, mental and emotional wellness, working more effectively with stressors and work-life balance.

Our POWER program is focused on improving:

  • officer health and wellbeing
  • self-awareness
  • self-regulation
  • stress management
  • communication skills
  • relations with colleagues and family
  • connections with community members


The LEMHWA Implementation Projects solicitation aims to support state, local, tribal, or territorial law enforcement agencies seeking to implement new or enhance existing programs that offer training and services on officer emotional and mental health, peer mentoring, suicide prevention, stress reduction, and support services for officers and their families Proposed projects may serve one agency, a consortium of agencies, or personnel from agencies located within a county or state.

The LEMHWA National Level Resources, Training, and Technical Assistance solicitation aims to develop resources such as toolkits and publications; offer training; and provide assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies across the country to implement successful mental health and wellness initiatives for officers and their families.

Read more about LEMHWA ​here.

contact us

Reach out to us if you are interested in applying for LEMWHA funding to bring the POWER Training Program to your agency; we can help with the grant writing and submission process. ​

police officer wellness program

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