Cops & Communities: Circling Up

In September 2018, our organization (then known as Center for Council) brought together a group of law enforcement officers and community leaders to explore where there is common ground in their seemingly disparate experiences and how council can serve as a model for improving community-police relations.

This project was made possible with generous support from the Angell Foundation. Additional support was provided by The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, ChangeMaker Challenge and California Humanities, a non-profit partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities (​visit

Watch a short trailer of Cops & Communities: Circling Up below.

The full 23-minute documentary can be viewed here.

As relations between law enforcement and community members are increasingly strained, our organization is committed to finding ways to foster recognition of the value of our diverse cultures and shared humanity, as well as practices that generate productive dialogue and opportunities for connection.

A program for law enforcement officers and community leaders

Cops & Communities: Circling Up was designed as an interactive daylong experience intended to enable law enforcement officers and community leaders to explore the common ground in their diverse experiences and the ways in which council can foster critical conversations around improving community-police relations and neighborhood resilience.

LAPD police officers taking part in our cops and communities program
Beyond us and them facilitator sat with LAPD police officers taking part in our cops and communities program

Cops & Communities: Circling Up weaves the practice of council into a living expression of compassionate community and offers an opportunity for healing bruised relations through the simple act of sharing our authentic stories and listening from the heart. The project builds on Beyond Us & Them’s training workshops offered in separate settings for law enforcement officers and community groups. These workshops teach tools for practicing mindfulness and skillful communication with the intention of enhancing individual well-being and positive workplace culture.

Want to learn more?

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Beyond Us and Them team

Beyond Us and Them team

Beyond Us and Them is the leading solution-focused organization providing dynamic and scalable practices to combat the loneliness epidemic and foster social connection.

It creates programs and delivers training for law enforcement officers, healthcare providers, educators, policymakers, and community-based organizations, among other populations and individuals, to cultivate wellness, relationality, compassion, and resilience. 
