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BeyondUs & Them is looking for interns that want to learn the ins and outs of running a small, agile, and fast-growing nonprofit working at the forefront of community justice, inmate rehabilitation, and along the whole criminal justice spectrum. Learn more by contacting us.
affiliated trainers
Affiliated council trainers lead programs and workshops in schools, businesses, faith-based and non-profits organizations, health care systems, and prisons. Trainers work in communities around the world, from Southern California to Canada, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Trainers carry the work and practice into the world, teaching the basic forms, elements, and intentions of council to members of the public, private organizations, and countless others. Becoming a council trainer is a rigorous process of being a lifelong learner, participating in council workshops, practicing council on your own, and being observed by Senior Council Trainers over the course of a year or more.
Visit our affiliated trainer page to find out more.