A Paradigm shift: Prison Reentry Council Project article

The article “A Paradigm Shift: Prison Re-Entry Council Project” by Maureen Murdock discusses Beyond Us & them’s transformative Council workshop held at Salinas Valley State Prison. This workshop involved diverse inmate participants engaging in a communication technique based on Native American council traditions. The technique involves speaking and listening from the heart without interruption, fostering deep communication and introspection.

Warden Randolf Grounds supported this initiative, seeing it as a potential means to reduce recidivism and promote significant cultural shifts within prison environments. Watch the video below:

Jared Seide, the director of the Beyond Us & Them says, “We are pleased to be working now with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to bring council to maximum security prisons to both foster a paradigm shift on the prison yards and to provide meaningful support for reintegration, as these men and women return to society.”

For more details, you can read the full article here.

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Beyond Us and Them team

Beyond Us and Them team

Beyond Us and Them is the leading solution-focused organization providing dynamic and scalable practices to combat the loneliness epidemic and foster social connection.

It creates programs and delivers training for law enforcement officers, healthcare providers, educators, policymakers, and community-based organizations, among other populations and individuals, to cultivate wellness, relationality, compassion, and resilience. 
